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Special Delivery from the Angels

The vast majority of us reading this newsletter are continuously looking for ways to improve, ways to evolve. I’ve recently discovered Doreen Virtue’s, Healing With Angels Course, yet another tool for evolution offered by ConsciousOne.com.

In her course Doreen teaches not only about the angels that grace our presence but also the ways to learn from them. “There is no limit to angels’ healing power,” she says. They can help us with relationships, career concerns, finances, housing issues, and even finding parking spaces.

But in order to receive their help, she notes, you must surrender the problem. You have to completely give it up to them. She likens it to sending a letter by post— the letter cannot be delivered until you have let it out of your hand. Wow! When I read that, it gave me cause to think.

I pondered how I often ask for help from my Spirit Guides. But do I really let go of the problem? More often that not, I ask and then I continue to obsess about it—fretting, wondering, and hearing the little voice in my head that spouts all of the reasons why this is unlikely. Perhaps I thought later, this is a key I have been missing. At the very least, letting go of the problem will surely make me feel better.

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Taking that advice a bit further, I thought, it is also possible I have been asking for help in certain places but really needing it in others. Although I often feel guided to a solution, I figured it certainly couldn’t hurt to allot for a little near-sightedness on my part.

I decided to try an experiment. That night when I went to bed, I prayed openly to the angels—not for the list of things that I felt I needed help with—but for whatever gifts they felt would lead me toward my highest good.

Surprisingly enough, for most of the night I dreamt about my partner, David. In the dreamtime speak that makes perfect sense while you are in it, I received messages about my relationship.

Now I have to confess that I have been working on a lot of things of late, but my relationship was not one of them. Things were going along fine. There was nothing out of the ordinary, or particularly trying about the relationship, so I simply hadn’t been asking for help in the matter.

The next morning I awoke into the most extraordinary love for the man lying next to me. A sense of supreme gratitude for our union filled me. I felt awe for his preciousness and grateful for his presence in my life.

That experience changed the way I ask for guidance. These days, thanks to Doreen’s course, when I pray for help I not only remember to release the problem into the hands of my angels and guides, I also remember to leave a little space for the joy I didn’t realize I was missing. Delight, that angels are so good at providing.

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