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Language of Owls

Barred Owl Owls HD dekstop wallpapers - Barred Owl OwlsOwls call.

They speak to one another in a language that only they know.

Yet, you

are a part of their missive.

Their words travel over your eardrums,

they enter into your being,

they caress the tiny parts of you that long to be wild,

the tiny parts of you that are still wild.

These parts of you know what the owl is saying.

It might not care now, because it’s got “more important adult/human” things to think about.

But somewhere, there is a part of you that speaks owl.

It knows.

And when the call goes out between two birds—

sounds moving through the leaves of trees and along the whispers of field grass—

it hears the message and thinks, “Oh, I was just thinking that very thing.”


Listen to the missive of the Bard Owl here.

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