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What’s your word for this year? It’s not too late to choose one.

At the beginning of the year someone invited me to choose a word for the year– just one word that I intended to set the tone for my year ahead.

EFFECTIVE 2015 WORD aimee cartier blogAs I scanned through my brain and the traditional positive words came to mind… successful, flourishing (always a favorite), expansion, possibility, abundant, one word surfaced strongly: EFFECTIVE.

I didn’t want this year to be just one of growth and expansion, I wanted it to be effective.  I wanted my actions to have impact.  I wanted the time I do have for myself or my business to further my goals.  I didn’t want to just spend a lot of time doing interesting things, I wanted them to be potent too.

I have two children as you know.  I am a psychic, as you know.

said kiddos of mine

I was aware that this year would be different.  My kids are getting older.  I’m no longer attached to them via my breasts.  I feel more comfortable leaving them to a caregiver while I work in my studio.  But I am also aware that my hours were/are limited, meaning– even with loving caregivers in place, I still devote much of my day to raising my kiddos.

So I wanted my actions to have weight.

We’re are half way through 2015 and I’m taking stock.  I like to do this.  Six months in seems like another fine moment for a little fine tuning.

As I sat down to decide what I would use my studio time for today my word surfaced in my mind.  I have it written on my studio chalkboard.  My question ensued: What would be the most effective use of my time right now?

I chose this post.

As a reminder for me and an encouragement for you.  As I put down this post, I’m going to do some more thinking on this as well.  I’m going to review my goals, and make sure it feels like I am aligned.  I’m going to discern from the list of a thousand things I could be doing and chose the actions that I feel are the most poignant, the most effective, the most encouraging of my goals and dreams.

You can do this too.

OR you can choose another word that suits you. word for the year aimee cartier blog 5-25-15

I’d love to hear your word if one comes to you. Or how and what this post inspires in you.

All my love,


Aimée Cartier is a psychic, author, mother (snack-provider/bum wiper/snuggle giver), and a woman with a lusty passion for feeling lovely and inspired inside.  More about her work can be found on her website: www.spreadingblessings.com.

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