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Yesterday I got the best surprise!

Yesterday I got the best surprise ever!  And the timing was impeccable.

I had just pulled into the grocery store parking lot when my husband called my cell.

J: “Hey honey, what are you doing?”

Me: “Just running errands.  Unfortunately I’ve allowed that bitchy woman at the department of licensing to ruin my last half an hour.  I’m literally still fuming about how rude she is.”

J: “Oh I know, she’s infamously terrible.  Everybody [on the island] knows it…. Where are you right now?”

Me: “I’m at the grocery store.”

J: “Okay, stay there.  Don’t go anywhere.”

The implication was that he was coming there with something to show me.  I heard dogs barking in the background on his end of the phone and as I hung up I thought, “We are not getting a dog.”  Not in a mean way– but in more of a baffled way– like “he can not possibly be thinking we’re adding a dog to our kidlet mix right now?”  Okay, I was heavily influenced by the sound in the background– but I couldnt conceive of what else would be so urgent that he had to show me right now- for him to leave work while I was at the grocery store.

I’m standing in the aisle and I’ve just asked somebody where I can find the flower seeds when around the corner comes… MY DAD!

I should preface this by saying, my dad lives in Minnesota.  I live in Washington.

“Dad!…Dad!… Dad!”  It’s all I could really say.  I repeated it several times in a very loud, surprised and sort of squealy way.  I truly was so shocked to see him standing in the supermarket aisle a few feet away from me and the kids!

In a heartbeat I forgot all about that grumpy woman who doesn’t actually want to sell you car tabs and was gleefully giving my pop a hug!

I didn’t even care that the store doesn’t carry flower seeds!


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