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It’s FREE LOVE day at our house today: charity through gardening!

You’ve seen how we have a greenhouse full of the best of all tomatoes: Sun Gold’s.  They are like candy.  Well, it’s a tad ironic because my husband is actually allergic to night shades (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers).  But this year he decided to grow them anyway– for the love of it (and us.)  Originally he thought to sell them on the side of the road where we live.  But then I had a different idea– what if we give them away instead?  I thought we could use it as a form of charity.  You know, people give away money all the time– we can give away love from our garden.  So today that’s what we’re doing.  12 bowls full.IMG_7191.JPGIMG_7193.JPG

I have to have this sign on our table because we actually have an almost permanent free pile in front of our yard.  Obviously the items rotate, but usually if something is in front of our yard, people assume it is free.  And it usually is.  It might seem weird– unless you live where we do.  Here, this is quite normal. 😉IMG_7195.JPG


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