Hi. I’m Aimée Cartier. I know it looks like Amy, but it’s actually pronounced A-MAY, like the letter A and the month of May. As a friend of mine used to say, “It’s Franch you know!?” (Insert fake French accent). Anyway, this is my blog. I’m a psychic, an author, a mother, and a wife, among other things. From time to time I dabble in stand-up comedy, just because I think it’s fun. I love artistic and crafty things especially those that are vibrant with color, meaningful in words, and/or useful to boot. One of my favorite words ever is FLOURISH.
1. to blossom 2. To grow vigorously; succeed, thrive, prosper 3. To be at the peak of development, activity, influence, production 4. To make showy wavy motions 5. (v) To ornament with something flowery of fanciful.
I mean seriously.
That’s why, at least in my head, and on my website, I call this my Flourish Blog.
I mean why would you settle for anything less, when you know flourishing is possible?
ABOUT MY BLOG: My blog is where I post ongoing articles that are intended to uplift, amuse, benefit, or inspire. I cover the gamut from advice for living an intuitive life and practices for veering toward happy, (I call this category, Advice and Ah-ha Moments.) to things, people, and experiences I love and which make my life better— and maybe yours too. (That’s the Love Letters and Products I Love categories)). And I write about the very real stories, challenges, and fun of motherhood as it arises and/or the goofy things my family does. I write about what inspires me and I use true stories, because I think those are the most powerful, memorable, and interesting.
What else?
ABOUT ME: So far, I’ve written 2 books. I have a husband who is very friendly, goofy, and is known to say whatever comes to his mind. I have two children who amuse me, drive me nuts, and whom I love to pieces. We all, and our two cats (who hardly get any air time now that I have children) live on an island in the Puget Sound. It’s rural
and lovely. We have a pond and a huge garden (thanks to my husband). I like to grow flowers, but I do lend a hand at the vegetable growing (and eating). I knit, and do tons of other simple crafty things. I usually have about 5-10 different crafting projects going, fr
om knitting, to sewing, to painting and drawing, that I pick up depending on my mood, whim or necessity. Cooking is not my forte. I’ve traveled all over the world. I speak French and about 15 years ago I used to speak a West African dialect called Pullar Futa.
And, as I’ve said, I’M A PSYCHIC. What this means in a nutshell, is that I have highly developed “sixth senses,” you know those beyond just the regular hear, see, smell, taste, and touch. (Typically the ones I use are called clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and claircognizance.) It is my great good fortune to use these to serve others—particularly those who are looking for answers that align them with their own highest good and best life. If you are interested in knowing more about this, my journey as a psychic, what my readings are like, or what people who work with me say about me, you can check out my website: www.spreadingblessings.com. If you want to know how to discover your best life using your own intuition, you can get my book, entitled Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life. And lastly, if you want to schedule a session with me, here is my website contact page.
You can also find me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter: @aimeecartier.
ABOUT YOU: I hope your stop by here adds brightness to your day—whether it’s a feeling of, “Yes, OMG thank you for saying that out loud, that has totally happened to me.” Or, “Holy shit, did she actually just say that out loud?” Or, “That’s a good idea I think I’ll try it.” Or even just, “Hahahahaha! What characters these people are!”
If something you see here sparks a good idea in you, or you’ve got something to add—please do. I get so much out of reading comments that people have written, not just on my site, but on others’ too, so add your idea to the mix, share your experience, wisdom or thoughts. I truly look forward to hearing them.
Here to flourishing for all!
Much love,