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The Lion, The Bear, and The Stag


“If it’s not one, it’s the other he said,”

after The Lion had taken the neighbor’s dog—

right in front of her eyes.


The second in his string of hunts. 


“Al and Jenny’s chickens were taken by The Bear. 

And I’ve seen The Stag come too.” 


“Yes, I’ve seen him too,” I replied. 


He arrived after my fluffy one had merged with The Lion. 

On the morning that I chanted to her wild spirit


Now, he comes every day.

He arrives when I think of my lady

Of the four-legged One who once called my arms home.


He calmly grazes in the yard,

Peace made with the two remaining kitties

Pact made with The Lion and The Bear


He eats the apples off the trees

And looks at me

With those calm and gentle eyes.

aimee cartier flourishI like this!

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