Why do you have a school bus in your yard?
How many people do you know who have a school bus in their yard? Well you know me. And we have had one, for a long time. Isn’t that weird?!
One of the first things people ask us their first time chez nous (at our house) is, “What’s with the school bus?” Sometimes my husband makes up an elaborate and totally fabricated answer. (He’s good like that.) But mostly we tell them the story.
My husband is a carpenter. For quite a while he used it as a roving shop. He had it all decked out with shelves and tools, and when he had a job he would just drive it there. Presto, the tools of his trade were at his finger tips.
However, last year, maybe before, its time came to an end. The bus still ran well. But it just started to feel more cumbersome than helpful for him. We listed it on Craig’s list. People looked at it. But no serious takers showed. With a toddler and a tiny baby at home we just didn’t have the time to do the due diligence and list it again.
Recently, in the manner that most things happen to us, a new owner found his way to our yard.
He pulled up as I was putting the kids in the car.
“I heard you were selling this,” he said pointing at the bus.
“Yes we are!” I responded, buckling a car seat. “Here’s my husband’s cell phone number. He knows all about it if you have any questions.”
A day later– the deal was struck. And soon thereafter the bus was on its way to a new home.
Because it has occupied a hefty portion of our driveway for quite some time, and our friends love to rib my husband about it, I figured I better post this so that A. they can still find us and B. they can ready a new line of jokes before they arrive.
Hurrah hurray! The “cool bus” has found a new home. Its jokes will live on.