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Return of the Village Psychic: One Woman’s Journey to that Role

In times past if you were gifted in ethereal ways there would be a person in your village who was also. The local medicine woman, shaman, or seer, depending on where you are and in what time period you lived. If you had gifts like these, you might casually saunter over to her hut or porch and hang out. You would probably sit on her stoop and shoot the shit (so to speak!), and wait for an opportunity alone to speak your mind. When that opportunity presented itself you would say something like, “This sort of thing happens to me…” and that is how you would begin to gather knowledge on how you intersect with the ethereal world, on the relationship that it has on you and on how you naturally, innately use it to create your life. It’s how you would begin your knowing.   By dialogue and conversation you would start to understand this relationship that everyone has, but not everyone pays attention to. Those that were particularly gifted would be drawn to sit more often on her stoop, ask more questions, and hear her speak more frequently of these things, learn, and to perhaps eventually apprentice with her.

pic: Denis Legendre
pic: Denis Legendre

I’ve lamented the lack of that village at certain points in my life. Even as a child I had ethereal know-how and interest with absolutely no outlet for it. I can still remember standing at the local library and being stumped. I had a sense of the knowledge that I wanted but no idea of where or even how to begin. I didn’t even know the words to start with. And you’ve got to at least be able to define it into vocabulary if you want to look it up in the card catalogue. Because that’s how we did it then. Happily now Google exists. You can type in “seeing spirits” or any such vague thing and it will lead you, web page by web page, to the information you want. You can follow the internet crumbs to land on a person who has true knowledge or feels in alignment with you in some way and discover, or ask if they have what you need to know.

Especially if you are made for it, the words and the know-how find their way to you eventually. At least that’s how it was for me. But largely it happened by my own noticing. I paid attention and then I paid attention more. And I started to notice certain patterns, like how when I went with my gut, with what my instincts were telling me I always won—even if I couldn’t exactly describe why I felt this way at the time. When I over ruled that, for lack of logical reason, usually I lost. Sometimes I lost big. That is how I learned.

I was 29 before a book by a bona fide psychic came to me. I lifted the book off a library shelf. I was pursuing random shelves, and in this particular “library” there was not a lot of order. I don’t remember really even being aware of the title of the book when I picked it up. I was just looking for something interesting to read. I thumbed through it and read the introduction. It was then that I had that eye-opening revelation about who and what I was. I met “a village elder” so to speak. This woman, Sonia Choquette, saw the world like I did. I could tell simply from the words she used and what she described in her introduction. She had been born like this too, I also noted.

As far as I can tell in the village this would have all happened in a natural way around the age of 10. Instead it took me entering full throttle into my adulthood to finally have a name for what I was, let alone for me to find out that this was something people (even if not many) actually did for work. It took that book (or the introduction rather) to show me both. I learned that looking at different paths and helping people align with the one that best suited them on the highest and best levels was a thing. And that a person who did so was called a psychic. A seer.

I could always see details about things that people were telling me, friends or family, when they came to me for advice, as they did. I could easily discern the path that would produce the best results for them. The one that aligned with who they were inside and out, even if they couldn’t see the best of who they were at the time. This woman (Sonia Choquette) could too I discovered. And she did it for a living. Thus (and a phone conversation that I had with her a few years later) my career began. Happily, I finally had an example of what this could look like.

village psychic Aimee Cartier blog pic Fred PO-001
pic Fred PO

Lately though, 2016 as it is, I’ve been feeling that I’ve stepped back into village anatomy. Maybe it’s because I do something that would only be found in a village! 😉 I don’t know. But these days, people come to me in the same way that they would if we were hut to hut or cobbled road to cobbled road. Though these days they generally (but not always) use their phones and not their feet to get to me.

In the global village, in person, in this country or another, or on the internet we meet. Their feet, their fingers, or their instincts lead them to me. They find something that resonates. Or if they happen to live in my actual village, they might stop by. They may mention something that happened to them or someone they love the next time they see me. They will schedule an appointment with me if they feel in need.

To experience it all in this light brings a satisfaction to my being.  It sits right in my bones. Perhaps it’s because that’s the way it has always been for me. But I find the mantle of the village psychic is natural on my skin. And I love the implied community offering of it all. Even if the village ends up being a whole lot larger than the one I actually live in, it seems right somehow to do what you do, to offer your gifts, to give of what you are both suited and built to do to benefit the whole.

As is the joke in my family, if you’re looking for a gourmet dinner, don’t come when I’m cooking. But if you’re interested in knowing how to make your intuition work for you, to manage your empathic skills, or to understand the steps that align with your own highest good, I can make some time for you. If you live in the neighborhood and just want to shoot the ethereal shit I’ll put on a pot of tea– if that’s the case you probably already know where I live. (And not just because of the stellar free pile out front on our road!  😉 )

“See” you soon.



Aimée Cartier is a psychic guide and intuition teacher.  She specializes in helping her clients discover the paths that align with their own highest good.  With her Intuition University students she specializes in teaching them how to understand and enhance their natural psychic gifts and intuitive abilities so that they feel empowered to trust their own knowing.

Empath University with Aimee Cartier


Return of village psychic pin Aimee Cartier blog pic Fred PO-002


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