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Don’t put fear into your new year, here’s how to avoid it.

Here we are.  The first day of 2015.  We’ve got 365 days luxuriously stretching out before us.  It’s a fresh slate.  Maybe you’ve been dreaming up success as I have.  But before we move ahead I want to ask you one thing, it’s not something you’ll likely hear anywhere else, so here it is: have you looked at your fears?  If not, you should.

luggage pic by Thor
pic by Thor

Ignoring your fears or pretending they don’t exist, even to yourself, is a great way to accidentally carry them around with you. Now is the perfect time to take a quick look at them– and shed them.  You don’t have to start out the year lugging that baggage around accidentally.  It only takes a second to address.  Here’s what inspired me to ask you.

Recently I did Erin Stutland‘s “Say it, Sweat it, Get it Challenge.”  I absolutely LOVE her work.  She combines workouts with mantras or affirmations.  How wonderful is that!?  So you’re working your body and you’re putting positive messages in at the same time.  The “Say it, Sweat it, Get it” was a week long challenge where I committed to do a five minute workout with her (via video) each day.  Every day’s workout had fantastic affirmations coupled with movement and  built on the previous day in terms of themes.  Around day four she brought up fear.  She asked us to envision our success, and then asked us what we were afraid of.

When I heard her pose the question I knew exactly what I was afraid of.  I hadn’t really thought of it before or put it into words.  But there it was, so clear in my mind.  It was a beautiful moment actually–tears came to my eyes as I named it out loud to myself.  Pleasing to me is that I now can’t remember what it was, or I would share it with you.  That’s because it dropped away like the mythic shadow creatures of my mind often do when I look them in the eye.

So I’m posing the question to you, in the aim of helping you look your mythic shadow creature in the eye and watch it dissolve.  As you stand at the doorway of a perfectly pristine year full of possibilities–  I’m asking you to name your fears and leave them at the threshold.  Ask yourself this:

When you think about your own success (or what you want to put into this new year) what fear comes up for you?

Name it to yourself, out loud even.  Recognize that more than anything this fear is a creation you have conjured in your mind.  It exists no where but there right now.  Then let it go.  Replace it with something else.  Even if it is just these words, “The truth is I have no idea if that will come to pass– so I’m just not going to worry about it.”/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/047/422903/files/2015/01/img_7229.jpg

As I say in my book, Getting Answers, “The best way I’ve found of dissipating fear is to do the thing you know you must.”  Then watch your fear go up in smoke like the fictitious creation it was.  Or as I said, at Erin’s suggestion, while I was sweating along with her workout that day, “I will feel the fear and I will do it anyway.”  That can be you too!  Just take a quick look– then launch into the New Year with a lighter load, packed for success and goodness, leaving behind that mythical monstrous fear.  Good bye!

Wishing you only the best in 2015!



P.S. If you experience a lot of fear I’ve got a whole chapter in my book (Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life) that helps you understand and move through it.  It doesn’t have to control you any more!

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