I'm ready to enhance & trust my intuition!What is Intuition University?

A free and easy total reset for mind, bod, and being!

Ever feel like you just need a total reset?  Like for whatever reason, daily rigmarole, increased stress, not getting enough sleep, house renovations taking their toll (okay, that’s me right now),  you just need to hit the RESET button on yourself.

PC: Moritz Schmidt

I was feeling like that at the beginning of this week.

The biggest culprit for me was this: For whatever reason my kids have been in a recent pattern where they wake up and need me several times a night.  Alternating, of course.  So one falls back asleep and I get back in my bed, then the next one tiptoes in our room and, “Mom can you…” It got so bad that I was having flashbacks to when I had a newborn– I was getting THAT little sleep.  And feeling it!

As I said to one of my groups of Intuition University students recently– your physical body is no joke.  It sounds so funny to say it– but for some reason as humans it seems like we frequently forget this.  But guess what guys, if your body is off, there is a good chance your intuition will be putting out frail signals too.  That’s why, I pay attention to my bod.

Last weekend I woke up feeling like “I have my fangs out.”  That’s the phrase I coined when my youngest was still nursing and my hormones were whack and my sleep was IN-TE-R-UP-T-ED constantly.  So when I woke up feeling like that I knew I needed something to reset and fast.

PC: Madi Doell

Enter– the good night’s sleep.

It’s free.

And multiplied by three it’s even better!

You do it by going to bed significantly earlier than you normally would. 🙂  (At least for me.)  I shoot for between 9-1oPM… but last night I actually crawled under my covers BEFORE 9PM.  8:58PM to be exact.  I made one post to celebrate my victory and then– lights out!

I mention this in my book, Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life, but seriously a three night in a row early to bed situation is one of THE best ways to reset your system.

Last night was my night three.

Even just one night of sleep deprivation affects your cortisol levels which in turn affects your capacity to deal (peacefully) with whatever the circumstances in your life are.  Many nights of sleep deprivation– well in my opinion, it makes you a little crazy.  I knew I couldn’t control what would happen during the night– so I decided to pack in several extra hours before my kiddos usually wake up.

Needless to say– you guys, even if your kids aren’t waking you up all night long, and the added stress of months of house renovation isn’t getting to you– it’s so worth it!  And it really is easy.  So easy, every time I do it I think, “Why don’t I do this all the time?”  But of course I don’t.  And that’s fine too.  You might not either. 😉

In any case I recommend it.  Anytime you can.  And for me it felt especially potent to do it right now before the holiday craziness begins.  I’m so happy I did and I’m betting if you do it, you’ll be smiling at yourself too.



Aimée Cartier is a psychic guide who specializes in helping her clients discern what choices are in their highest and best interest.  She is known for her clear, accurate insight and her attention to practical details.  She is also the founder of Intuition University where in either private training or group programs she works with students who are ready to understand, enhance, trust, and rely upon their own innate inner knowing– and experience the empowerment and flourishing that follows.  You can find out more about her and her work at www.AimeeCartier.com.  





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