Empath– do you know you are a vibe setter?
|This is a secret I usually keep for the end of my Empath Intuition University programs. If you don’t know I have a four and seven month program just for empaths. The program is to teach empaths the necessary practices to dial their empathic ability. What I am going to talk about today is not something I talk about until the very end of the program.

Because to be a vibration setter on demand it takes
1. knowing how to control your own empathic perceptions,
2. knowing the practices that will help keep you in balance, and
3. doing all this—regularly.

Recently I was teaching some friends how to knit. One of them was an eleven-year-old girl. She was having a hard time so I was going slowly over a few of the steps for her. As I was doing so, sitting next to her, I suddenly felt overwhelmed—in my own skin—I had all these feelings of, “I’m not sure I like knitting. This is hard. Ugh, I just don’t get this.” That’s when I had to do a double take and check-in with myself. Do I like knitting? Yes! Is teaching this overwhelming to me? No! I was picking up her emotions and as frequently happens for an empath, they started broadcasting on my station!
So, I did what I do (and what I teach my Empath Intuition University students) to do I created my own natural boundary so that I had space to feel ME, just me. Not me and her at the same time as I had been feeling. Then, knowing that she was having a hard time with this, I purposely chose to amplify my own energy. I connected with my own confidence in knitting and my love of it. I allowed myself to feel how much I loved knitting and being in this moment with her. I thought and felt about how confident I felt that she could get it. And without saying anything at all about any of this, I allowed her to be buoyed—should she choose to do so—by my own energy. Instead of me taking a dive with her I chose instead to put all the goodness into my own vibration and let her feel that.
And you know what? Two things happened: One, she did get it! And two, her mom came up and thanked me afterward. She told me about a particular challenge that her daughter faces and said, “Thank you so much for not trying to make her feel better (because this will sometimes shut her daughter down) and for just being patient and loving with her instead of trying to get into how she was feeling or taking it personally and trying to fix it.”
Empaths are natural vibe setters. We receive and broadcast emotion loudly. It’s usually inspiring for empaths to understand this about themselves—that they have the ability to amplify and set positive tones. We are do-gooders at heart. We are not equipped with the ability to feel other’s pain without having the natural urge to want to help it. We know what it feels like—so we want to make it feel better. However the way that we do this best doesn’t involve trying to solve everyone else’s problems for them. Nor does it involve energetic manipulation in anyway. It involves controlling and amplifying your own vibes and allowing them to be a ladder for others – should they choose it.

If you are ready to understand ALL THE THINGS about your empathic ability and to master it—not only for your own benefit (because sheeeesh it can be overwhelming) but for the possibility of uplifting others too. Join me and your other new empathic friends for my next Empath Intuition University.
And get on my calendar for your free exploratory call.
Find all the details about Empath Intuition University here.
Aimée Cartier is a psychic guide, author of the book, “Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life,” and the founder of Empath Intuition University. She teaches empaths who are overwhelmed and sometimes debilitated by their sensitivities. Through a 4 or 7 month program she teaches them in manageable steps how to understand their abilities so that they can work with their sensitivities (and not against them). This also leads them to getting and staying connected to their own power and knowing and ultimately being able to use their empathic gift to inspire themselves and others. More about her work can be found at www.AimeeCartier.com.

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