Self-Discovery Tools And Other Insights For These Unusual Times
|A friend of mine dubbed this time period, “The Giant Pause” which is just how I had been thinking of it too. Today I put out a video on my Instagram TV talking a little bit about the things that were running through my own mind when it became clear that we were entering this pause. You can watch that here if you like.

When the whole COVID shut down started for us over a month ago now—what I couldn’t get out of my mind was how this time period was going to shape my children’s lives. It’s shaping all of us of course, but they are still forming. Do you know any grandparent age people who lived through the depression? Have you ever noticed how those experiences shape their lives even to this day? I kept thinking of that. It started me really considering the flavor I wanted this time to hold for them, but also for my husband and I. That led me to ruminating on what I actually wanted to put into this pause. Because my children are young I understood that I had a lot of control in how they were formed by these weeks/months and I wanted it to be good—comforting, nourishing, and without fear—moving gracefully through total uncertainty.
That’s how the ruminating began for me—but whether or not you have children, or you are an adult staying home by yourself right now—the truth is we each of us have a great deal of control in how we shape this period of our lives—how we learn to sit in the unknown.

My first instinct, those many weeks back, was recognizing that this sheltering in place was a huge break from IT ALL for a time —a hopefully once in a lifetime experience— but certainly the biggest pause any of us have ever experienced to date. It made me think also about what I have often felt as a societal disease—the inability to slow down and to do nothing. The inability to recognize that doing so is as important as all the accomplishments, and that the sitting is not something to feel guilty or bad about, but it is actually vital to our health, happiness, and well-being. To me it felt like we were all getting a forced practice in something that is typically hard for us as a society: sitting still.
A forced sit-in is an UBER FERTILE ground for self-discovery. And that is what prompted me to offer what I usually teach as one of the lessons in my Own Your Intuition program for free. You might never get this opportunity again to be so completely unplugged from the majority of your commitments and comings and goings of your life—so why not use it? If you think to yourself, “Yes Aimée, self discovery sounds great and everything but I have no idea how to start,” well then, you are in the right place.
Today, I put up on my website as a free download, my Intuition University lesson called, “Self-Discovery/Who Am I.” I also made it into an audio for those of you who would like to listen instead of read it.
In it I give my three favorite practices for discovering self, prioritizing my life, and creating my present and future in a way that has meaning to me. Some of these practices I do more than once a year. They are practices that help you design a life you love—but ones that also help you prioritize during moments of big shifts and transformations. We are all in one of those now.
I offer this to you with love and wonderment for the time we are all experiencing right now. And I am wishing you fertile introspection that leads to inspired ideas and action, and peace in your heart and being. You’ve got this.

All my love,
P.S. I haven’t had a lot of time to write blogs lately (being at home with my children)—but I did address a lot of the questions that my students and clients have been asking me about in another recent Instagram TV video. You can check that out too— and follow me on Instagramif you like.
Aimée Cartier is a psychic guide, author of the book, “Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life,”, and Intuition University and Empath Intuition University founder. It is her joy and pride to use her life force to help others access understand and use their own innate intuitive power in order to thrive– in times of great pauses and beyond. More about her and her work can be found at