Tell me– how can I help you claim your intuitive knowing?
|Over the last two years it has become clear to me that part of my mission is not only doing readings, it’s also to support others in understanding, and being powered by their own inner knowing.

As part of that mission I envision a revolution, a collective, a weaving, a peppering of powerful human pillars– a vast group of women who feel strong in their own inner knowing. (It’s not because men aren’t or can’t be intuitive. It’s just that I happen to work predominately with women.) It also happens that the things that are happening in history right now require strong and powerful women to come forth with insight and solutions. In my vision these women not only know that their own intuition is there for them, but they trust it. They understand that it can guide them to solutions and happiness and they use it to do so.
Not too long ago I went to see renowned mythologist Michael Meade speak. For me, hearing Michael Meade is like a bath for the soul. I go when I can. He never fails to put into some mythical and soul level perspective just what is happening in the world right now. The last time I heard him speak he actually mentioned how important intuition is at this time in history. I get it. I feel it too.
I feel more strongly than ever that I want to do whatever I can to help people be guided and powered by their own internal knowing. To help them find solutions, ease anxiety, and tap into the knowing that can exist for them when they have a relationship with their own Highest Self. (It’s a knowing as close as your heart beat, I promise.)

In my life it’s become a no brainer: when my intuition speaks, I listen. I don’t even bother with the, “Are you sure? Let me think about it,” thoughts. I just do what it says. That’s because my life experience has shown me when I do this I win. Always. I don’t vacillate when I get intuitive information, or weigh it against anything I’ve heard or thought before. I don’t even weigh the pros and cons of doing what it tells me. When my inner knowing gives me a nudge I move heartily in that direction without reservation. And I can’t recall a time when I haven’t been grateful I did.
Intuition exists for us all. It’s like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets. The more you take it seriously and use it, the more you also have experience that SHOWS you in no uncertain terms– it’s guiding you to goodness.
That’s the kind of confidence that I want all of you to have. The ease that exists when you know your intuition is taking you to good places. The safety you feel when you are able to feel confident that this knowing can and will show up for you– no matter what is happening in your life.
And there are proven ways that you can tap into it, proven and practiced (for eons by seers like myself) ways to allow your own inner knowing to guide you to what is absolutely best for you in your life. (If you want to start right now you can download the first chapter of my book, Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life for free on my website.) And let me tell you this friends– these practices aren’t hard. They are so easy I’ve had students say to me, “That’s it!?” Those same students say to me later, “This is life changing stuff!!!!” Because that is what their experience shows them.
I’m keen on helping others harness the goodness of their own intuition because I can still remember back to a time when I had an intuitive knowing and didn’t trust it. I can remember the agony that followed when I vacillated in my mind about whether or not I should follow this knowing. I can also remember the heartbreak and devastation that I experienced as a result of ignoring this knowing. In fact this one pivotal experience I am thinking of shifted everything for me. It showed me that I should always follow my own inner knowing. That when I do so, even if I don’t exactly know why at the time, I always win big.
I don’t want you to have to experience the heartbreak that can happen when you ignore your own intuitive knowing! It sucks. I also don’t want you to forgo the solutions that can and do come to you when you are tapped into your own inner knowing. So this is what I want to know from you. How can I serve you? What programs, vehicles (I don’t mean cars)– I mean online courses, videos, audio programs etc.– are easiest for you to work with?
If you are familiar with me as an intuition teacher you know I’m all about experience. I’m forever saying, allow your experience to guide and show you. And I want to know what learning I can provide that will help you feel empowered in your own knowing. Knowing that will in turn help you come up with the solutions for your life… and maybe even for this world.
I’ve got a survey I created to get to the bottom of just that. And I’m offering a discount on my next program for anyone who fills it out and gets it back to me. All those details are in the survey itself.

Would you be willing to talk with me about your intuition? How you feel about it, what holds you back, and what you would like to know to feel stronger in it?
I’d LOVE to hear from you!
You can click here to see the survey—and get all the details for filling it out, speaking with me, and getting it back to me. 🙂 This is a short term offer. I’m looking for responses now— in May/June 2019! But the good news is that if you stumble upon this blog later you’ll probably find the program you are craving on my website. 🙂
Thanks and love!
Aimée Cartier is a psychic guide, author, and founder of Intuition University. Through her Intuition University program she works either one-on-one or in groups programs with students who are ready to understand, enhance, trust, and rely upon their own innate psychic skills and intuitive knowing– and to experience the empowerment and flourishing that follows. More about her work can be found at