How I Got Started Doing Psychic Readings (and a special August only promo for them)
Usually when people ask me how I started doing readings I respond by saying something like, “I can see things. I’ve always been able to.” It feels like that to me. It honestly feels like something I’ve been doing for eons. But my most vivid memories of it happening casually in my life are around my 29th year.
My most prominent of many memories happened while I was standing in a kitchen with a guy friend of mine. He was telling me about some difficulties he and his girlfriend were having. He was really worried about the collapse of their relationship due to the particular circumstances they were experiencing. And as he was saying this, I could tell his fear was just bullshit. It wasn’t BS that he was worried—he was authentically expressing his concerns– but it was BS that the relationship would collapse because of it. I could see that yes they were in turmoil right now but that this wasn’t ultimately the tone of their relationship. I saw that their partnership wasn’t actually in danger despite this rough patch. I knew that they still had a lot of living to do together, would be together for a long time, and that the basis of their partnership and commitment to one another felt solid and loving. This all happened over his tears as we were warming up water for tea.
When I look back on my life as a psychic I often see that moment in my mind. For some reason it always sticks out to me. That was approximately 17 years ago. Today, I see pictures of my friend and his now wife and their kids on instagram.
At the time he wasn’t asking me for a prediction. He didn’t even know I could see out like that. He was just talking to me about his life, as one friend does with another.
That kind of thing happened/s to me a lot.

Around that time a book fell off a shelf and into my lap. Just kidding. But it kind of felt like that. I’m sure I lifted the book off the shelf– attracted to its yellow spine- but the moment was weighty and poignant. I was standing in a room full of books– completely alone– but I didn’t feel alone. I felt like someone or something (what I know think of as one of my guides) was pointing me to something vital. I opened the book and read the introduction. As I did so, I remember thinking, “This woman sees the world like I do.” I closed the book and looked at its cover. It was called, “The Psychic Pathway” by Sonia Choquette. It was the first time in this life where I realized that this was a profession. (I speak about that moment and what followed here.) Like– people paid this woman to use her seeing ability. It also came strong to me, “I am that.” For me the moment was full of awe and wonder. Awe at being able to see myself for what felt like the first time and wonder that there was a profession that used abilities I didn’t even have to try to have.
Looking back on that moment with the hindsight that time provides I can also see now this time period, my 29thyear was also simply the time period where it was time for me to start my work. This work of doing readings. I had needed other training and life experience first, but around my 29th year the bulk of that completed and I remember understanding that what I did for a living going forward was, “advise people on their life choices.”

I told that to someone around this time period and she looked at me like I was crazy! (That was another poignant moment for me!) But I just shrugged thinking, “that does sound kind of crazy.” Nonetheless I knew it was true.
I guess it takes guts to do something like I do– to do this very out of the ordinary thing publicly. People often say something like that to me. But I feel myself shrugging again when these comments come my way because as I already said, it feels like something I’ve always done. I suppose it took courage to walk into that first shop all those years ago and ask if they needed a psychic. (She asked me to give her a reading right then as my “interview” and then hired me on the spot.) But ultimately this work is familiar and me– not scary and weird– and I’ve always felt guided in it. I laugh thinking of how one of my students once dubbed me her “normal psychic.” For me, it simply feels as though I’m built to serve in this way. I see things. For a living, I pass the messages to those who want them.
When I first started doing readings I used to do 15 minute readings (and 30, 45, or 60 as I still do now). I’ve since stopped doing only 15 minute readings. But for THIS MONTH ONLY—August 2018 I’m offering them once more (only via phone).
So if you’re curious. If you’d like to try— or if you only have a question or two then this would be a good time to book yourself a reading with me!
Here are the steps to do so:
- Pay ($40)
- Once you do so that will send you to my calendar. Book a time that works for you.
- Dial in to our session (206) 567-0535, ready with your 1-3 questions.
- Hang up 15 minutes later with clarity, insight and answers.
Either way, whether I “see” you for a reading or your out spinning in your own orbit I’m wishing you fresh insight, summer goodness, and happy days as August rolls on by!
P.S. Here is the link again to schedule your 15 minute ($40) reading during the month of August. (No longer available)
P.P.S. If you want to schedule a longer reading (30, 45 or 60 minutes) you can do so here.
P.P.S.S. If you want to read more of the details about how I became a psychic, what the journey looked like, more of the pivotal moments that guided me to this profession I’ve got several options:
Aimée Cartier the “Normal Psychic” 🙂
Return of the Village Psychic: One Woman’s Journey to that Role (that’s me.)
More about me, my journey and who I am.
And of course there is always my blog “About Aimée”
Aimée Cartier is a psychic guide, the founder of Intuition University, and the author of the book, “Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life.” She sees clients, teaches her Intuition University courses, writes, knits, and raises children with her husband and two cats on an island in the Puget Sound. More about her and her work can be found at